This is a commentary from two years ago, but it's at least as timely now as ever. Towards a Society of Generosity There is an epidemic of rage and suspicion abroad in our land: Mass shootings, reckless driving, people demanding the right to be armed wherever they go, the vicious rhetoric of hate and insult directed against immigrants, the poor, people of color, and women in the comment sections of every website and from the mouths of people running for President and some of their supporters. Consciously, all this anger has various targets and excuses, from the supposedly lazy poor, immigrants who want a free ride on our system, to women and minorities who want special privileges. It’s true, as many on the left have pointed out, that these angry people are mostly white working class males frightened at the loss of their privileged position in society, privileges that depend on there being others who are under privileged. That is why they are angry at marginalized ...